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PhD Programme

Access mode



3 years


Reggio Emilia




Department of Education and Humanities
PhD Coordinator

PhD Organizational Secretariat

PhD Website

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Italian second cycle master's degree (“Laurea Magistrale”, under D.M. 270/04 or “Laurea Specialistica”, under D.M. 509/99) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 (the previous Italian regulations) or Second cycle Master's degree obtained abroad, equivalent to the above-mentioned Italian degrees and recognized as suitable for the admission to doctoral program.
Further information available in the Call.

Educational goals

The scientific objective of the Italian National PhD Program in Religious Studies is to foster the acquisition and implementation of skills to carry out highly qualified research activities at the national and international level in all disciplinary sectors and fields of knowledge that cross or are crossed by religious experience.