The Marco Biagi Foundation was established in December 2002, a few months after Marco Biagi, a professor of labour law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, was killed by the Red Brigades. The Foundation was established in response to the wishes of the Biagi family, students and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to honour the professor's memory and to carry forward his transformative insight. Today, the Foundation is recognised as an autonomous research body of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and as a Third Mission entity with the aim of assisting the University in carrying out its mission of developing culture, research, higher education and the third mission by contributing to the strengthening relations between the University, the territory and the work world.
In particular, the Foundation deals with:
- higher education, designing and managing university courses and masters and training courses, as well as hosting and organising the the PhD Courses regarding Work, Development and Innovation;
- public engagement, supporting Unimore and its Centres and Departments with organising and managing national and international conferences and seminars, summer schools as well as events geared towards the economic/productive framework, academics, students and more generally citizens;
- national and international research, organised in interdisciplinary thematic observatories, carried out thanks to its own team of researchers and with the support of lecturers at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
By virtue of a framework agreement signed in February 2021, Unimore and the Foundation have a common goal of collaborating synergistically and organically to implement joint activities including:
1. Supporting the design, organising, and managing higher education and continuing education.
2. Providing Support for organising and managing the Third Mission and Public Engagement events.
3. Giving support for designing and implementing communication, promotion, and dissemination of the University's activities, with particular reference to the Third Mission.
4. Supporting and managing innovative placement initiatives,
5. Relationship Management activities.
For more information on the Foundation's activities and on how to collaborate with Unimore visit www.fmb.unimore.it or write to fondazionemarcobiagi@unimore.it
Fondazione universitaria Marco Biagi Largo Marco Biagi, 10 (viale Storchi, 2), 41121 Modena
e-mail: fondazionemarcobiagi@unimore.it