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University Ethics Committee for Research


University Ethics Committee for Research 

The University Ethics Committee for Research has technical-consultative functions and expresses opinions on the ethical aspects of research projects involving individuals, excluding those under the competence of the Ethics Committees of Healthcare Companies-Hospitals.

How to submit a request for an opinion to the Ethics Committee

The project leader must submit the request for an opinion to the chairperson of the Ethics Committee within the first 10 days of each month.

The documentation, in PDF format, must be sent via PEC to the address:

The project leader may be summoned by the Ethics Committee if the project is particularly complex.


The request must be submitted exclusively by the project PI (Principal Investigator) or a delegated person and include the following documentation, to be sent to


The documentation must be sent to the Ethics Committee no later than 11:00 PM on the 10th of each month.

Requests received after this date will be examined at the next meeting.

Committee members will express their opinion or provide further observations by the end of the month following the application submission. The Ethics Committee office send the final opinion to the project leader within seven days of the definitive approval.

Required Documentation

  • Ethical opinion request form - in docx format.
  • Synopsis in English or Italian if the project is written in another language.
  • Complete Research Project including all parts, funding sources (public/private), activity description, objectives, impact, methodology, expected results, partnership and participant description, ethical issues, and all supporting documents, attachments, and any amendments if not already specified in the request form.
  • For funded projects or those seeking funding, the Department resolution expressing approval for the project submission, or a letter signed by the Director to be ratified at the first Department Council or Board.
  • Any ethical opinions expressed by the funding entity, e.g., the Ethics Summary Report required by the European Research Executive Agency during the Grant Agreement drafting phase.
  • Any significant reports known to the proposer, issued by other Ethics Committees previously consulted for opinions on the proposed research, whether negative or positive.
  • Recent CV of the trial leader (if external or not affiliated with the university), signed and dated.
  • All necessary documents for ethical evaluation of the research, e.g., copy of the informed consent form for participants, written in their native language and including information on funding sources (public or private) - (models of informed consent are available for download).

The Committee may request additional documents for the final ethical evaluation of the project.