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Prof. Laura Gavioli
mail: laura.gavioli@unimore.it
More information
Admission requirements and admission procedures
Prerequisites for admission.
Italian second cycle master's degree (“Laurea Magistrale”, under D.M. 270/04 or “Laurea Specialistica”, under D.M. 509/99) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 (the previous Italian regulations) or Second cycle Master's degree obtained abroad, equivalent to the above-mentioned Italian degrees and recognized as suitable for the admission to doctoral program.
Further information available in the Call.
Objectives and educational background
Educational goals
A central element of the program is the development of an innovative research project, which is presented at the beginning of the three-year period, developed over the three years (with the collaboration of the tutor and other members of the committee), and discussed at the end of the third year.
Within this training program, new knowledge is developed through critical investigation, negotiation skills, and the acquisition of creative competencies, which will enable participants to achieve high-quality professionalism. The three-year program also aims to develop "transferable skills" such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication at various levels, use of computer tools, design and implementation of research pathways, as well as other relevant skills like analytical ability, time management, and perseverance in achieving goals.
The acquired skills enable participants to develop, manage, and communicate research, innovative experiences, and applied projects related to educational processes and practices, cultural activities, professional communication, linguistic-cultural translation/mediation, and language training. The projects may also involve the creation of tools to support the processes, practices, and activities listed.
For digital humanities, the acquired skills will range from developing resources for humanistic research (glossaries, digital archives, databases, and corpora) to the development and use of new information technologies for data analysis and multimodal and multimedia communication, to studies on communication in new media and new ways of accessing knowledge.
In the field of public and professional communication and cultural activities, skills are built in developing and managing projects or programs related to professional communication, translation, and linguistic-cultural mediation (in publishing, international companies, and language services for public and private sectors).
In the educational and social fields, tools are developed for analyzing educational and learning processes, including from a "lifelong learning" perspective, concerning the diagnosis and therapy of cognitive or procedural disorders and issues of prevention, recovery, inclusion, and interculturality.