Access mode
(University of Bologna)
Prof. Tommaso Minerva
More information
Admission requirements and admission procedures
Prerequisites for admission.
Italian second cycle master's degree (“Laurea Magistrale”, under D.M. 270/04 or “Laurea Specialistica”, under D.M. 509/99) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 (the previous Italian regulations) or Second cycle Master's degree obtained abroad, equivalent to the above-mentioned Italian degrees and recognized as suitable for the admission to doctoral program.
Further information available in the Call.
Objectives and educational background
Educational goals
The aim of the doctorate in "Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies" is to train scholars and figures able to read and analyze current educational and training scenarios in the relationship between educational processes and the dissemination of technologies to design new and inclusive methodological and digital solutions with an interdisciplinary point of view and in the relationship with other professionals.
The Ph. D. therefore aims to make students acquire a professional identity in the field of learning sciences that takes into account ethical aspects and is able to contribute to the development of research and its applications in multiple areas (education, business, society).
In particular, PhD students at the end of the course will be able to:
- describe, understand and analyze theories related to learning and cognition;
- develop, implement, monitor and evaluate meaningful learning experiences in formal, informal and non-formal contexts;
- design, implement and develop technological solutions and integrated learning environments to promote meaningful learning;
- design and implement rigorous research within the learning sciences;
- apply quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods;
- use specific softare;
- use qualitative approaches, case studies, ethnographies, participant observation, narrative reports and design-based research to study educational processes and social contexts;
- analyze research and take part in academic debate through discussion, presentation of papers, production and review of articles;
- use research skills and transversal skills (problem solving, leadership, flexibility, effective communication, team working, critical thinking)