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Master Degree Course

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"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering

The Degree Course in brief

The Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced Automotive Engineering is an Interuniversity International Programme with administrative office at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It is offered in collaboration with the Universities of Bologna, Ferrara and Parma and with the partnership of the most important companies operating in the automotive sector of Emilia-Romagna.
The degree programme is aimed at providing the knowledge and the skills required for designing high-performance and racing motor vehicles and motor cycles. The main features of the Degree Programme are as follows:
- professors selected by an Interuniversity Coordination Committee, which is open to the partnership of companies, among university professors and Italian and foreign expert professionals, as to ensure the highest quality of education.
- students admitted to the degree programme after a careful evaluation of their merits and a technical and motivational interview, and based on their ranking and the interests stated, assigned to each of the six curricula in which the Degree Programme is organised.
- a first semester in common for all students, taking place at the Enzo Ferrari Department of Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, aimed at providing the basic skills.
- seven curricula (max. 25 places each): Advanced Powertrain - Modena (Modena seat) Advanced Powertrain - Bologna (in Bologna from the second semester), High Performance Car Design (in Modena), Racing Car Design (in Parma from the second year), Advanced Motorcycle Engineering (Bologna), Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing (in Bologna), Off Highway Vehicle Engineering (Bologna).
- courses fully provided in English and offering both a theoretical part and workshop activities at the Universities and in the laboratories of the industrial partner companies, in order to develop high-level professional skills based on a Learning by Doing approach.
- compulsory internships and activities aimed at preparing the degree thesis, organised in a Project Working mode and taking place within the most industrial realities of the automotive sector and in university research laboratories.


Department: "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
Degree class: LM-33 - Mechanical engineering
CFU: 120
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Prof. Matteo Giacopini


Prof. Elena Bassoli, +39 0592056252,
Prof. Dario Croccolo, +39 0512093413,
Prof. Andrea Toso,

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta APM (12 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta APM (12 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta APB (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab APB (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta APB (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab APB (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno HPCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta HPCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno HPCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta HPCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno RCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta RCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno RCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta RCD (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno AME (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
Scelta AME (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Scelta I anno AME (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    6 CFU - 60 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
Scelta AME (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta ASM (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta ASM (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta OHVE (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
Scelta tirocinio e lab. (between 1 and 999 CFU)
    12 CFU - 0 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Scelta OHVE (between 1 and 999 CFU)

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Admission to the Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced Automotive Engineering is subject to the possession of a Bachelor’s degree, or other university three-year degree, or other suitable qualification obtained abroad and deemed suitable.
Students are also required to possess curricular requirements and pass a test to assess their personal background.
The eligibility requirements for the Master’s Degree Programme are as follows:
a. A university degree in one of the classes pursuant to D.M. 270/04, D.M. 509/99, or a university degree obtained under former Regulations, or also a study qualification deemed equivalent and obtained abroad.
b. A minimum of 85 credits in the scientific disciplinary sectors (SSDs) as shown in Table 1 below, also referring to the minimum requirements set in Table 2.
TABLE 1 - List of the SDSs for which a minimum of 85 credits are required
INF/01, ING-INF/04, ING-INF/05, ING-INF/07, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, SECS-S/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/07, FIS/01, FIS/03, ING-IND/02, ING-IND/03, ING-IND/04, ING-IND/05, ING-IND/06, ING-IND/07, ING-IND/08, ING-IND/09, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/11, ING-IND/12, ING-IND/13, ING-IND/14, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17, ING-IND/21, ING-IND/22, ING-IND/23, ING-IND/27, ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33, L-LIN/12
TABLE 2 - Minimum number of credits (CFUs) required in the corresponding SSDs (Scientific Disciplinary Sectors)
INF/01, ING-INF/05, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, SECS-S/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/07, FIS/01, FIS/03: min 32 CFUs
ING-INF/04, ING-IND/02, ING-IND/03, ING-IND/04, ING-IND/05, ING-IND/06, ING-IND/07, ING-IND/08, ING-IND/09, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/11, ING-IND/12, ING-IND/13, ING-IND/14, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17, ING-IND/19, ING-IND/21, ING-IND/22, ING-IND/23, ING-IND/27, ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/33: min 48 CFUs
The curriculum requirements for the enrolment of applicants with a foreign qualification will be evaluated by a Board - appointed by the Degree Programme Board - who will analyse the study curriculum submitted.
The admission is subject to passing a test aimed at assessing their personal background, that will be defined in section “Admission procedure”.
Their possession of suitable linguistic skills in the English language will also be checked; level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference is the minimum requirement.

Admission procedures

The Master’s Degree Programme has a limited number of access at local level (ex Art. 2 L. 264/99) based on the resources available.
The number of students who can be enrolled and the selection procedures are disclosed every year through the relevant call for applications.
The admission to the Degree Programme is subject to passing a test aimed at assessing their personal background: the student’s career and curriculum vitae will be assessed, and/or an oral and/or written test - to be taken even in remote mode - will be provided by a board appointed by the Degree Programme Board.
The assessment will verify the knowledge of the English language of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference, proven by one of the certifications indicated in the call for applications.
The means for assessing the applicant’s personal background are defined each year by decision of the Degree Programme Board and outlined in the call for applications.

Skills associated with the function

Advanced Automotive Engineer
The functions associated with the profile of the Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in the road vehicle architecture, require specialist skills in the main drawing and design aspects, vehicle constructions, vehicle dynamics and Noise Vibration Harshness, material behaviour, mechanic technology, aerodynamics, thermofluidodynamics, automated control, electronics and sensors.
The functions associated with the profile of the AAE expert in the racing vehicle architecture require specific skills in terms of: vehicle setting, vehicle mechanics, structural calculations with lightweight materials, composites and materials for additive manufacturing, aerodynamics and vehicle dynamics.
The functions associated with the profile of the Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in powertrain systems, require skills in modelling, optimisation, controlling and solving environmental and energy issues relating to traditional and innovative powertrain systems. Specific skills range from the study of internal combustion engines, electric powertrain systems, solutions for the conversion and storage of electromechanical energy and the main powertrain design and production technologies, up to the study of the most advanced control and calibration techniques.
The functions associated with the motor vehicle expert profile of the Advanced Automotive Engineer require specific skills that are typical of electronic engineering and industrial design, relating to drawing, vibration mechanics, mechanic technology, motor vehicle dynamics, design of endothermal and BEV powertrains, development of DAS (Drive Assistance Systems).
The functions associated with the manufacturing expert profile of the Advanced Automotive Engineer require specialist skills in: process engineering, industrial system design, production management and optimisation, automation technologies and solutions, digital technologies of the factory 4.0 and quality control process management.

Function in a work context

Advanced Automotive Engineer
The Advanced Automotive Engineer is a professional with an industrial, as well as an initial mechanic/mechatronic basic knowledge who, based on a complete overview of the vehicle system, is able to design, develop and make the main subsystems featured in road auto and motor vehicles, with specific reference to the premium segment of the market and of racing vehicles, and develop and manage the relevant manufacturing and technological processes.
The main functions of the Advanced Automotive Engineer in a working environment are the vehicle asset, the design and development of the main subsystems and components relating to: thermal, hybrid and electric powertrain, inclusive of energy storage and conversion solutions, and related modelling and controlling issues; cold architecture of road vehicles and motor vehicles, both in the industrial and racing fields; production systems featuring typical aspects of the new industry 4.0 scenario (industrial robotics, design and management of the supply chain, big data, etc.).
The greatest strength of this professional profile is that it involves multiple disciplines, although, given the increasing complexity of new generation road vehicles, along with the consequent and progressive specialisation of the functions and the tasks that Advanced Automotive Engineers must be responsible for in companies, five specific professional profiles have been defined in collaboration with the industrial partners, and are described below:
1. Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in the road vehicle architecture: responsible for setting up and developing the vehicle system, starting from the understanding of the fundamental aspects, and designing all main cold units and subunits of high-performance road vehicles.
2. Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in the racing vehicle architecture: responsible for setting up and developing the vehicle system, starting from the understanding of the fundamental aspects, and designing all main cold units and subunits of high-performance road vehicles. Compared to the previous one, this AAE is more specialised in terms of aerodynamics, use of lightweight materials (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Materials), and has a strong ability in carrying out experimental activities.
3. Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in powertrain systems: responsible for designing and collaborating in traditional and innovative powertrain system engineering, focusing on their optimisation, as well as on controlling and solving environmental and energy issues.
4. Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in motor vehicles: responsible for designing and developing high-tech motor vehicles, both standard and racing-specific. The AAE deals with and manages aspects that are typical of electronic engineering and industrial design, specific to motor vehicles.
5. Advanced Automotive Engineer, expert in production activities: responsible for training engineers and teach them how to plan, develop, control and manage production systems in the automotive sector. The main areas of knowledge covered by the teachings are as follows: process engineering, industrial system design, production management and optimisation, automation technologies and solutions, digital technologies of the factory 4.0 and quality control process management.
In addition to these technical and engineering skills, there is a need for strong soft skills aimed at the precise communication of technical content, the planning of project management (project working), also of a multidisciplinary nature, and the continuous refinement of theoretical and practical skills through the development of a “learning by doing” approach.

Employment and professional opportunities for graduates.

Advanced Automotive Engineer
The main job opportunities offered by the master’s degree programmes of this class are related to the innovation and development of products and processes, advanced designing, production planning and programming, and complex system management in manufacturing or service companies that deal with the design and production of vehicles and motor vehicles of the premium or racing segment of the market, in their relevant production chains, operating in the international field.
Graduates in Advanced Automotive Engineering may continue their studies by completing their preparation in a PhD School or an Advanced Master Programme.
Master’s graduates also possess the skills and the requirements in accordance with the applicable legislation to work as Engineers in the various specialisations that are governed by the State law within the Professional Association of Engineers, section A, Industrial sector.

Educational goals

The Advanced Automotive Engineering Master’s Degree Programme is aimed at providing the knowledge and the skills relating to the design of high-performance and racing motor vehicles and motor cycles, focusing on the development, integration and production of their main systems such as the powertrain and the chassis.
Graduates in Advanced Automotive Engineering shall possess the following skills:
- interpret and model the main design aspects relative to components, machines, complex mechanic and electric systems that are typical of modern vehicles, starting from a deep knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and the other basic sciences, and by means of an interdisciplinary approach;
- identify, formulate and resolve complex engineering issues requiring high-level theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills, by using the most modern computer-based tools;
- work in a collaborative way in multidisciplinary groups to ideate, plan, design and manage complex and/or innovative systems, processes and services relating to vehicle engineering, by applying knowledge and skills that are typical of mechanic, electronic, electric and material engineering;
Students attending the Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced Automotive Engineering already have proper basic knowledge that are typical of Mechanic Engineering and have the opportunity, in the initial phase of the study programme, to gain further skills in the field of Materials and Innovation Technologies, Engines, Electric and Hybrid Powertrain systems, Aerodynamics, Vehicle Mechanics and Dynamics, Structural Design of engines and chassis, Production Systems in the automotive field.
After the first phase, students complete their preparation by vertically delve into the disciplines relating to Electric Machines, Electronics and Controls, with the purpose of providing a state-of-the-art training on electric/hybrid powertrain and on checks of high-performance modern vehicles. Such knowledge is enriched by learning and applying computer assisted design tools and virtual prototyping tools in the structural (FEM), fluid-dynamic (CFD) and design (CAD) fields, as well as by using highly specialised research and experimentation laboratories already shared with the companies, and industrial laboratories made available by the same companies that are involved in the educational project. Given the obligation for students to participate in training internships in companies or industrial research laboratories, the programme is structured as to allow for the application of an educational approach based on a learning by doing approach, further enhanced by the opportunity to choose curriculum activities within the Formula SAE teams, which have been available for a long time at the partner universities.
The training programme provided by the Study Programme is conceived as the development of hierarchical learning areas starting from a common one, and on their subsequent declination in specialist areas that are progressively covered more deeply thanks to a half-year term offered in multiple specialised universities, as described below. At the end of the training programme, the skills acquired are summarised in a semester that entirely focuses on carrying out professional design activities needed to progressively enter the job market.
The training programme provides for a period of time shared among all students, organised in order to provide them the basic skills required to understand the principles of high-performance vehicle design, during an initial learning stage. The programme offers training on skills relating to the design setting of the vehicle lay-out, with the production processes required for the manufacturing and assembly of the single components, by choosing and using the materials of greatest interest for the sector of high-performance vehicles, along with the main aspects connected with the mechanical effects taking place on systems and components.
Later, the study programme is divided into different curricula, in order to make the study programmes that students choose more specialised, based on the instructions provided by the parties involved, at the same time maintaining a global overview on the vehicle system. Curricula are connected with the development of the following specialist learning areas.
A second learning area deals with the powertrain. The programme is aimed at providing the skills, methods and tools for studying, designing and controlling powertrain systems, both endothermal and electric and hybrid, focusing on how to maximise their performance, as well as control ad solve environmental and energy issues. The programme is then structured as to enhance the aspects that are directly linked to both powertrain design and optimisation, and propulsion system control.
A further learning area is aimed at providing skills, methods and tools for studying, designing and testing the chassis system and the architecture of high-performance and racing vehicles. Such area is organised as to cover the aspects related to the design and production of standard vehicle systems on one side, and to develop topics that are mainly connected with the use of special materials and solutions for the racing sector on the other, also taking into account the highly experimental nature of the development activities and the focus on aerodynamic and performance aspects in such field.
A specific learning area is connected with the motor vehicle sector. It is aimed at providing skills, methods and tools for designing, developing and testing the engine and structure/chassis of high-tech standard and racing motor vehicles. Therefore it combines some of the training activities described in the previous sections, by offering a view that applies to the specific features of the motor vehicle.
The last specialist learning area relates to the specific topic of high-performance vehicle manufacturing. Here is were skills, methods and tools for planning, developing, controlling and managing automotive production systems are provided. The main areas of knowledge covered by the teachings are as follows: process engineering, industrial system design, production management and optimisation, automation technologies and solutions, digital technologies of the factory 4.0 and quality control process management.
All specialist learning areas that are organised in curricula end into a summary learning area that is aimed at providing methods, techniques and strategies useful to apply the skills and the tools acquired during the study programme, also through important practical experience to be carried out in the companies of the vehicle chain, as well as in the most advanced university and industrial research laboratories. More specifically, practical experience is offered in connection with the realisation on an important design or experimental project that will be presented in the final thesis. Such learning area is also aimed at offering students the opportunity to assess their own self-management and planning skills in scientific or industrial projects.

Communication skills.

The Master’s Degree in Advanced Automotive Engineering provides students with the communication skills used to describe engineering issues, perform team work, and report to third parties the results of research and working activities in general. Learning such communication skills is an integral part of the study programme: useful tools for this purpose are reporting to peer students and professors the results achieved during practical exercises and laboratory activities, carried out individually or in team, the preparation of thesis projects and the drawing up of technical reports on the activities carried out, the oral assessments during examinations, the team work according to a “learning by doing” approach and the development of multidisciplinary engineering projects.
Any internship in companies of the automotive supply chain, along with any activity carried out in both industrial and university international research laboratories is a further testing ground that is useful to check and encourage communication and speaking skills in students. Ultimately, presenting the results achieved during the thesis is the perfect opportunity for students to test their communication skills acquired, which are an integral part of the assessment when the final degree score is assigned to them.
Graduates must prove that they master the English language.

Making judgements.

Master’s graduates in Advanced Automotive Engineering are able to critically deal with issues that are typical of Mechanical Engineering but are specifically applied to vehicles. Such issues are made extremely complex by the temporary presence of topics relating to other engineering sectors, such as controls and electronics, electric drives, material science.
At the end of the training programme, graduates are able to:
- identify and collect the data required to deal with the issues by means of bibliographic researches, use of data banks and other sources of information;
- ideate and directly carry out analytical surveys by using theoretical models, computer virtual prototypes and experimental measures;
- make a critical analysis of the data available and the results achieved, and draw the appropriate conclusions;
- assess the applicability of innovative technologies in real time by inserting them into the specific context being analysed;
- carry out activities (measures, tests, computer simulations, etc.) and promote evaluations also by working in team.
- think and make independent evaluations on social and ethical themes, specifically referring to environmental sustainability and the diffusion of a technical and scientific culture.
The modes and educational tools used to achieve the expected results provide for the production and evaluation of project works and technical and/or scientific reports aimed at developing unique ideas, starting from the analysis of state-of-the-art scenarios, to be developed in a team or independently.
In addition, some laboratories included in the Degree Programme courses offer and evaluate independent testing activities (learning by doing) aimed at validating projects, manufacturing unique prototypes or understanding physical phenomena of engineering interest.
Ultimately, the active participation in meetings with leading representatives of the world of research and industry, even organised within seminars, conferences, and business visits, is encouraged in order to ensure the direct and independent exchange with the working environment.

Learning skills.

The training programme of the Master’s degree in Advanced Automotive Engineering, highly multidisciplinary and specialist at the same time, allows students to develop and enhance the learning skills they have acquired during their previous study programme.
In the working environments after graduating, students will be able to independently deal with analysing highly specialised engineering issues in the vehicle sector and its supply chain.
The training activities of the study programme are aimed not only at providing detailed information and state-of-the-art tools for solving technical issues that are peculiar or Vehicle Engineering, but also and mainly a state of mind focused on innovation, on the acquisition of new methodologies, and on the ability to strictly deal with engineering problems that are not necessarily the same or similar to those dealt with during the study period. Such skill offers graduates an adequate base for technical and technological challenges that they will have to deal with during their working career, including any post-degree training programmes (PhD, Master).
The learning skill is encouraged during the study programme through project and laboratory activities, in which students are encouraged to search for complementary information on technical magazines, texts, databases; preparing the thesis is ultimately the summary and evaluation of such skills, as students are required to deal with highly innovative applied research themes.

Knowledge and understanding.

Principles of high-performance and racing vehicles
Knowledge and understanding of the engineering principles required to design/manufacture high-performance and racing motor vehicles and motor cycles. Such area is common to all the curricula offered. The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and understanding of the following topics on the vehicle sector and specifically refer to high-performance and racing vehicles:
- Production technologies and processes (manufacturing, assembly, checks)
- Plastic, metal and composite materials, described based on their functional performance and production processes
- NVH (Noise, Vibrations, Harshness) of units and mechanic components
- Design setting and vehicle lay-out
- Fundamentals of vehicle electronics
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories.
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Design and production of advanced powertrain systems
The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and the understanding of the engineering principles required for the design of endothermal, electric and hybrid propulsion systems, focusing on their optimisation, control and solution of environmental and energy issues. Courses are given at the universities of Modena and Bologna with a deeper focus on the propulsion system design and optimisation (Modena) or control (Bologna). The learning results specifically refer to the following topics:
- Principles and fundamentals of internal combustion engines
- Advanced propulsion systems
- Design and production of engine components and powertrain systems
- Design and production of high-performance motor propulsion systems
- Modelling and control of internal combustion motors and hybrid propulsion systems
- Powertrain testing, calibration and homologation
- Design and control of mechanical transmissions
- Electronic systems and automated controls
- Engines and propulsion electric systems
- Energy storage and conversion systems
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Engine Components Design and Manufacturing/Internal combustion engines
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Mechanical transmissions
- Automated controls
- Electromechanical Energy Storage and Conversion
- Design and modelling of high-performance propulsion systems
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
- Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems/Advanced Propulsion Systems
- Powertrain Testing, Calibration and Homologation
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Design and manufacturing of high-performance and racing vehicles
The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and understanding of the engineering principles required for the design of the cold part of high-performance (Modena) and racing (Parma) vehicles, and for the latter ones with a deeper focus on aerodynamics, on the use of lightweight materials and on carrying out testing activities. The learning results specifically refer to the following topics:
- Methods and tools for the CFD analysis relating to aerodynamics and thermal aspects
- Methods and tools for the experimental analysis as regards aerodynamics
- Methods and tools for the FEM analysis of mechanical units and components (e.g.: chassis)
- Dynamic analysis of vehicles
- Dynamic testing of vehicles
- NHV testing analysis of vehicle units and components
- Chassis and bodywork design
- Computer Aided Design of vehicle units and components
- Automated controls
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems for the automotive sector
- Lightweight and composite materials
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- CFD fundamentals and aerodynamics
- FEM fundamentals and chassis design
- Vehicle dynamics
- Automotive Computer Aided Design CAD
- Vehicle NVH testing
- Automated controls
- Automotive fluid power systems
- Chassis and bodywork design
- Dynamic testing of vehicles
- Design of racing car composite structures
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Design and manufacturing of high-performance and racing motor vehicles
The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and understanding of the engineering principles required for the design, development and testing of the engine and structure/chassis of high-tech mass-production and racing motor vehicles. Therefore it combines some of the knowledge provided in the “design and manufacturing areas of advanced powertrain systems”, as well as “design and manufacturing of high-performance and racing vehicles”, offering an approach applied to the motor vehicle specific features. The learning results specifically refer to the following topics:
- Principles and fundamentals of internal combustion engines
- Engines and propulsion electric systems
- Automated controls
- Powertrain testing, calibration and homologation
- Chassis and bodywork design
- Vehicle virtual design
- Dynamic analysis of motor vehicles
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives
- Modelling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems
- Motorcycle Vehicle Dynamics
- Chassis and Bodywork Design and Manufacturing/Vehicle virtual design
- Powertrain Testing, Calibration and Homologation
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Manufacturing of high-performance vehicles
The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and understanding of the engineering principles required for the design, development, testing and management of production systems in the automotive sector. The main areas of knowledge covered by the teachings are as follows: process engineering, industrial system design, production management and optimisation, automation technologies and solutions, digital technologies of the factory 4.0 and quality control process management. The learning results specifically refer to the following topics:
- Principles and fundamentals of internal combustion engines
- Engines and propulsion electric systems
- Automated controls
- Design of industrial systems for production (manufacturing, assembly, checks)
- Automated and robotic production systems
- Control and programming of automated and robotic production systems
- Supply chain management
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives
- Industrial Plant Design
- Industrial Robotics
- Big Data Analytics for Automotive Manufacturing Applications
- Operations & Supply chain design and management/Automotive Manufacturing and Assembly Systems
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Design and production of off-highway vehicles
The expected learning outcomes concern the knowledge and understanding of the engineering fundamentals required for the design, development and experimental verification of the powertrain, systems and structure/chassis of high-tech Off-Highway vehicles. It declines some of the knowledge in the “design and production of advanced powertrain systems” and “design and production of high-performance and competition vehicles” areas on specific topics concerning off-highway vehicles. The learning results specifically refer to the following topics:
- Engines and propulsion electric systems
- Hydraulic actuator systems
- Power Transmission and Ground Interaction in Off-Highway Vehicles
- Computer-aided design and product life management
- Testing, calibration and homologation of propulsion systems for off-highway applications
- Dynamic analysis of off-highway vehicles
- Precision Farming
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Fluid Power Actuation
- Power Transmission and Terramechanics for Off Highway Vehicles
- Computer Aided Design and Product Lifecycle Management
- Control and Testing of Off-Highway Powertrains
- Off-Highway Vehicle Dynamics
- Precision Farming Machinery
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, by means of oral and/or written tests. During the courses, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial tests.

Project summary
The expected learning results relate to the knowledge and understanding of the synthesis of multidisciplinary skills in terms of high-performance and racing vehicle manufacturing design. Its purpose is to provide technical methodologies and strategies for the synergic application of the skills and tools learned during the development of the final thesis project. It includes the following training activities:
- Educational activities in learning by doing mode carried out within the Formula SAE educational project, for example.
- Internship and Thesis. Thesis project development carried out in an industrial environment through an internship experience in a company.
- Thesis project development. Independent development of the thesis project, under the supervision of a university tutor.
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors and tutors during the activity performance and are subject to a final evaluation. Students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, even by means of partial assessments of the project.

Applying knowledge and understanding.

Principles of high-performance and racing vehicles
Applying the acquired knowledge to the design process of high-performance and racing vehicle units and components, based on the specific design requirements:
- Choice, selection and use of the technologies and the processes needed for production (manufacturing, assembly, checks)
- Choice, selection and use of the main materials in the automotive sector
- Dimensioning based on the NHV (Noise, Vibrations, Harshness) behaviour
- Choice, definition and design of vehicle lay-out
- Reasoned selection of electronic devices of interest to the vehicle system
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories.
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Design and production of advanced powertrain systems
Applying the acquired knowledge to the design process of advanced powertrain systems:
- Realisation of projects for manufacturing hybrid or electrical internal combustion propulsion systems
- Definition and realisation of tests for powertrain calibration and homologation
- Use of computer-aided design tools
- Choice, selection and use of energy storage and conversion
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Engine Components Design and Manufacturing/Internal combustion engines
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Mechanical transmissions
- Automated controls
- Electromechanical Energy Storage and Conversion
- Design and modelling of high-performance propulsion systems
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
- Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems/Advanced Propulsion Systems
- Powertrain Testing, Calibration and Homologation
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Design and manufacturing of high-performance and racing vehicles
Applying the acquired knowledge to the design process of advanced powertrain systems:
- Realisation of manufacturing projects of systems for the cold parts of vehicles (frame, chassis, bodywork)
- Definition and realisation of tests for dynamic, aerodynamic and structural optimisation of vehicles
- Use of computer-aided design tools
- Choice and selection of pneumatic and hydraulic systems
- Choice, selection and use of lightweight materials
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- CFD fundamentals and aerodynamics
- FEM fundamentals and chassis design
- Vehicle dynamics
- Automotive Computer Aided Design CAD
- Vehicle NVH testing
- Automated controls
- Automotive fluid power systems
- Chassis and bodywork design
- Dynamic testing of vehicles
- Design of racing car composite structures
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Design and manufacturing of high-performance and racing motor vehicles
Applying the acquired knowledge to the design process of high-performance and racing motor vehicles:
- Realisation of manufacturing projects of systems for the cold part of motor vehicles
- Realisation of projects for manufacturing hybrid or electrical internal combustion propulsion systems
- Use of computer-aided design tools
- Definition and realisation of tests for powertrain calibration and homologation
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives
- Modelling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems
- Motorcycle Vehicle Dynamics
- Chassis and Bodywork Design and Manufacturing/Vehicle virtual design
- Powertrain Testing, Calibration and Homologation
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Manufacturing of high-performance vehicles
Applying the acquired knowledge to the design process of high-performance vehicles:
- Realisation of projects for manufacturing hybrid or electrical internal combustion propulsion systems
- Setting automated and robotic industrial system projects
- Operational management of automated and robot controlled industrial systems for production (manufacturing, assembly, checks)
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Powertrain Design and Manufacturing/Internal Combustion Engines
- Automated controls
- Electric Drives
- Industrial Plant Design
- Industrial Robotics
- Big Data Analytics for Automotive Manufacturing Applications
- Operations & Supply chain design and management/Automotive Manufacturing and Assembly Systems
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Design and production of off-highway vehicles
Ability to apply understood knowledge to the design of high-performance off-highway vehicles:
- Execution of system construction projects for the “cold” part of off-highway vehicles
- Realisation of projects for manufacturing hybrid or electrical internal combustion propulsion systems fo Off_Highway vehicles
- Use of computer-aided design tools
- Definition and realisation of tests for the calibration and homologation of powertrains and systems in off-highway vehicles
The expected learning results are achieved through the teachings indicated below, which include classroom lessons and practical exercises in computer and/or experimental laboratories:
- Electric Drives/Electric Propulsion Systems
- Fluid Power Actuation
- Power Transmission and Terramechanics for Off Highway Vehicles
- Computer Aided Design and Product Lifecycle Management
- Control and Testing of Off-Highway Powertrains
- Off-Highway Vehicle Dynamics
- Precision Farming Machinery
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors at the end of each course, through the assessment of designs and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project). During the teachings, students are offered the opportunity to self-assess their learning process, by independently doing exercises assigned to them.

Project summary
Applying the knowledge acquired through laboratory and/or industrial testing of design methods, techniques and tools, carried out in direct contact with experts and real dynamics, and by directly assessing ones’ own self-management and programming skills:
- Setting up manufacturing projects
- Activity planning
- Activity management
- Verification and check of the results achieved
It includes the following training activities:
- Educational activities in learning by doing mode carried out within the Formula SAE educational project, for example.
- Internship and Thesis. Thesis project development carried out in an industrial environment through an internship experience in a company.
- Thesis project development. Independent development of the thesis project, under the supervision of a university tutor.
The expected learning results are assessed by the professors and tutors during the activity performance and are subject to a final evaluation, through the assessment of any projects and/or prototypes, even developed in a team (Working Project).